Vattanac Bank Opens Ratanak Kiri Provincial Branch

Vattanac Bank opened its 25th branch, Ratanak Kiri Provincial Branch, on 19 June 2021.

Ratanak Kiri Province - Vattanac Bank opened its 25thbranch, Ratanak Kiri Provincial Branch, on 19 June 2021. The Branchoccupies the ground floor and first floor of a 9-storeybuilding, located on National Road 78, Phum Chey Chumnas, Krong Banlung,Ratanak Kiri Province.


Neak Oknha SamAng (Vattanac Bank’s Chairman), Neak Okhna Chhun Leang (Vattanac Bank’s President),H.E. Thang Savon (Ratanak Kiri Provincial Governor), Mr. Ngin Nell (Krong BanlongGovernor), Mr. Nhet Nut (Director of the National Bank of Cambodia Ratanak KiriBranch), local dignitaries, businessmen, and Management and Staff of VattanacBank joined the official opening of the Branch.


Ratanak KiriProvincial Branch offers a full range of commercial and retail services.  It aims to support the local businesscommunity doing business in agriculture, wholesaling, retailing, tourism andother sectors.The Branch will actively promote its Digital Banking products andservices including Mobile Banking, Internet Banking and Cards to the residentsof Ratanak Kiri Province.  

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